These achievements have been made possible through the tiny difference in brain size between us and the other greater apes; what further achievements could come from an artificial intelligence at or above our own level?
Supposedly they were made possible through a tiny difference in brain size. However others point at the ability to sustain cumulative cultural evolution. Cultural evolution may have caused larger brains more than it was caused by them—at least according to some theorists. Also, since many cetaceans have enormous brains and (probably) complex cultures, our opposable thumb and terrestrial ecosystem seem likely to have something to do with it.
Supposedly they were made possible through a tiny difference in brain size. However others point at the ability to sustain cumulative cultural evolution. Cultural evolution may have caused larger brains more than it was caused by them—at least according to some theorists. Also, since many cetaceans have enormous brains and (probably) complex cultures, our opposable thumb and terrestrial ecosystem seem likely to have something to do with it.