Mental imagery: Drawing seems to reliably distinguish between coherent-mental-visualizers and those who aren’t. Tasks like “count the stripes on the tiger” make sense to a vivid/detailed visualizer, but not to someone who is just holding on to the concept “striped big cat.”
I suspect drawing-attempts would also reliably identify people like “The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat”, who viewed people as a “disorganized bag of facial-features” and had to rely on a single distinctive trait to identify even people he knew well (ex: Albert Einstein & his eccentric hairstyle), and who described things that weren’t there when trying to interpret a low-feature image like a picture of the dunes of the Sahara.
Mental imagery: Drawing seems to reliably distinguish between coherent-mental-visualizers and those who aren’t. Tasks like “count the stripes on the tiger” make sense to a vivid/detailed visualizer, but not to someone who is just holding on to the concept “striped big cat.”
I suspect drawing-attempts would also reliably identify people like “The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat”, who viewed people as a “disorganized bag of facial-features” and had to rely on a single distinctive trait to identify even people he knew well (ex: Albert Einstein & his eccentric hairstyle), and who described things that weren’t there when trying to interpret a low-feature image like a picture of the dunes of the Sahara.