Yes, I think it would be much better if the comments were not so negative (in many cases with little justification). I would request that in the future you explicitly discourage negative comments unless they genuinely add something new to the discussion (i.e. a direct criticism of something the interviewee said that is not simply rehashing a standard argument on LW).
EDIT: Also, thanks for taking the initiative to do this, though like paulfchristiano noted, I think it’s important to be careful to make a good impression in general. Perhaps try to get more detailed feedback if possible before sending out the next batch?
I think it’s important to be careful to make a good impression in general. Perhaps try to get more detailed feedback if possible before sending out the next batch?
SI knows how the emails look that I send and I contact SI for help if there are questions or the need to reply to an expert. What do you mean by ‘detailed feedback’? ETA: Never mind, this was the first comment I read.
Yes, I think it would be much better if the comments were not so negative (in many cases with little justification). I would request that in the future you explicitly discourage negative comments unless they genuinely add something new to the discussion (i.e. a direct criticism of something the interviewee said that is not simply rehashing a standard argument on LW).
EDIT: Also, thanks for taking the initiative to do this, though like paulfchristiano noted, I think it’s important to be careful to make a good impression in general. Perhaps try to get more detailed feedback if possible before sending out the next batch?
SI knows how the emails look that I send and I contact SI for help if there are questions or the need to reply to an expert. What do you mean by ‘detailed feedback’? ETA: Never mind, this was the first comment I read.