A timeless interpretation of Quantum Immortality means that my choices are guaranteed to lead to immortality, and I’ll probably get there through a series of totally normal-seeming events. Like orbital corrections, early and slow changes require less effort than late and fast changes. I’m more likely a not-too-unlikely immortal consciousness, and the not-too-unlikely path I experience is a world where I live forever without getting improbably lucky.
Furthermore, generalizing timeless Quantum Immortality across multiple Universes, I was probably created by an entity that creates immortal consciousnesses at a rate that’s increasing nearly as rapidly as possible. Thus, there’s a good chance that I too will spawn huge numbers of conscious immortal beings during my infinitely-long life, if I haven’t already.
The thing that is nice about this kind of wishful thinking is that as long as whenever you are sick or apparently dying, you simply assume that you are going to get better, everything that you will ever observe will be consistent with this and may even support it, as for example when you see other people dying in a car accident but you improbably manage to survive. You will never (in terms of your observations) be the one who gets killed in that accident.
Don’t go this route. Quantum immortality requires that you survive and are conscious. It doesn’t require that you are healthy. Since accidents have a chance of crippling you, quantum immortality indicates that every person is going to find themselves crippled, forever (or at least until something is invented that can un-cripple them, whereupon they live a normal life until one of the remaining things that can cripple them but hasn’t been stopped yet does so.)
I agree. I did say that it was wishful thinking. But it is still true that your observations will always be consistent with it, even assuming it is false.
A timeless interpretation of Quantum Immortality means that my choices are guaranteed to lead to immortality, and I’ll probably get there through a series of totally normal-seeming events. Like orbital corrections, early and slow changes require less effort than late and fast changes. I’m more likely a not-too-unlikely immortal consciousness, and the not-too-unlikely path I experience is a world where I live forever without getting improbably lucky.
Furthermore, generalizing timeless Quantum Immortality across multiple Universes, I was probably created by an entity that creates immortal consciousnesses at a rate that’s increasing nearly as rapidly as possible. Thus, there’s a good chance that I too will spawn huge numbers of conscious immortal beings during my infinitely-long life, if I haven’t already.
The thing that is nice about this kind of wishful thinking is that as long as whenever you are sick or apparently dying, you simply assume that you are going to get better, everything that you will ever observe will be consistent with this and may even support it, as for example when you see other people dying in a car accident but you improbably manage to survive. You will never (in terms of your observations) be the one who gets killed in that accident.
Don’t go this route. Quantum immortality requires that you survive and are conscious. It doesn’t require that you are healthy. Since accidents have a chance of crippling you, quantum immortality indicates that every person is going to find themselves crippled, forever (or at least until something is invented that can un-cripple them, whereupon they live a normal life until one of the remaining things that can cripple them but hasn’t been stopped yet does so.)
I agree. I did say that it was wishful thinking. But it is still true that your observations will always be consistent with it, even assuming it is false.