sure, additional sugar in the context of western diets is bad. What I’m objecting to is the vaguely paleo point you’re making of “lots of vegetables, little fruit” as a bare claim. If you’re aware of any evidence that a carb heavy (where carb heavy for me means 40-50% of calories) diet is bad when those carbs come from whole food sources I’d like to see it. Anecdotally, I can say I get a lot more fruit, milk sugars, and starchy tubers than I do cruciferous or leafy veggies, and I can’t find anything lacking in either my blood panels or nutritional analysis of my diet.
sure, additional sugar in the context of western diets is bad. What I’m objecting to is the vaguely paleo point you’re making of “lots of vegetables, little fruit” as a bare claim. If you’re aware of any evidence that a carb heavy (where carb heavy for me means 40-50% of calories) diet is bad when those carbs come from whole food sources I’d like to see it. Anecdotally, I can say I get a lot more fruit, milk sugars, and starchy tubers than I do cruciferous or leafy veggies, and I can’t find anything lacking in either my blood panels or nutritional analysis of my diet.