Thanks for this. I’ve been wondering about the best way to earn an income for a while, and I’ve for several years known several folks who make good money by online poker. Some of them good enough to earn a living. This provided the final nudge to convince me to try it out. (And I’ll sign up through this site, naturally. SIAI donations made easy, what’s not to love?)
I’ve put “try out online poker” on my to-do list for the summer. Do you have estimates regarding the shape of the function mapping time practicing/reading to revenue? E.g. how much practice does it take to reach, say, a 10$/h or 50$/h average profit?
Thanks for this. I’ve been wondering about the best way to earn an income for a while, and I’ve for several years known several folks who make good money by online poker. Some of them good enough to earn a living. This provided the final nudge to convince me to try it out. (And I’ll sign up through this site, naturally. SIAI donations made easy, what’s not to love?)
I’ve put “try out online poker” on my to-do list for the summer. Do you have estimates regarding the shape of the function mapping time practicing/reading to revenue? E.g. how much practice does it take to reach, say, a 10$/h or 50$/h average profit?
Did you indeed try out online poker, and if so, how did it go?
I didn’t.