As for the cheaply punishing prolific posters problem, I don’t know a good solution that doesn’t lead to other problems, as forcing all downvotes to cost glory makes it much harder to deal with spammers who somehow get through the application process filter. I had considered an alternative system in which all votes cost glory, but then there’s no way to generate glory except perhaps by having admins and mods gift them, which could work, but runs counter to the direct democracy ideal that I was sorta going for.
As for the cheaply punishing prolific posters problem, I don’t know a good solution that doesn’t lead to other problems, as forcing all downvotes to cost glory makes it much harder to deal with spammers who somehow get through the application process filter. I had considered an alternative system in which all votes cost glory, but then there’s no way to generate glory except perhaps by having admins and mods gift them, which could work, but runs counter to the direct democracy ideal that I was sorta going for.