Not this general kind of AI coverage, but I’ve read a number of books in data mining and some specialized aspects of AI such as Bayes nets and NLP. It compares very favorably in terms of presentation quality; I am not aware of another book this broad which was potentially worth reading based on my “information olfactory sense” (I’d like to hear of one if anyone has a suggestion) .
Not this general kind of AI coverage, but I’ve read a number of books in data mining and some specialized aspects of AI such as Bayes nets and NLP. It compares very favorably in terms of presentation quality; I am not aware of another book this broad which was potentially worth reading based on my “information olfactory sense” (I’d like to hear of one if anyone has a suggestion) .
Russell and Norvig do seem to have the only general A.I. textbook out there that I can find...
There’s, which I found helpful during ai-class
Yeah, I’ve found a couple others since I made the above comment in January 2011, too.