I’m not sure how well it classifies, but I find that my “overacheiver” and “just don’t fail me” are facets of the same thought. It’s probably an arrogance thing, but going from “this is good, I’m doing well, I’ve done this right” to “no, you haven’t” to “oh god oh god oh god i’m such a moron” etc etc is rather quicker and easier and (shudder) more intuitive than I would like. And it’s not like I’m a pilot or anything where that’s the appropriate response!
Too Cool for School got me through High School, but when I got to uni and failed miserably it made me question how and why I was there, and I got out after 18 months.
I’m not sure how well it classifies, but I find that my “overacheiver” and “just don’t fail me” are facets of the same thought.
Definitely not the case for me, but there’s no reason why it couldn’t be the case for you. Although you’re right, it probably isn’t the appropriate response.
I’m not sure how well it classifies, but I find that my “overacheiver” and “just don’t fail me” are facets of the same thought. It’s probably an arrogance thing, but going from “this is good, I’m doing well, I’ve done this right” to “no, you haven’t” to “oh god oh god oh god i’m such a moron” etc etc is rather quicker and easier and (shudder) more intuitive than I would like. And it’s not like I’m a pilot or anything where that’s the appropriate response!
Too Cool for School got me through High School, but when I got to uni and failed miserably it made me question how and why I was there, and I got out after 18 months.
Definitely not the case for me, but there’s no reason why it couldn’t be the case for you. Although you’re right, it probably isn’t the appropriate response.