As a term for fanfiction of fanfiction of fanfiction, I don’t think it’s a good one. I mean, as awesome as paperclips are, if we called everything “paperclips” it might get a little confusing. I suggested “crumbs” because that’s what’s left after you eat a cookie, but I’m not seeing what this has to do with paperclips.
I thought it might help promote paperclip awareness, but now I agree with your reasonable point about saturating terminology for everything with the same word, and the confusion it would generate.
Your thought processes are getting better too! c=@
Great discovery! Do you know of glyphs I can use in your encoding scheme that resemble an unbent or broken paperclip, for when I want to express negative emotions? (“Emotions” in the de-anthropomorphized sense, of course.)
So could we then call fanfiction of fanfiction of fanfiction “crumbs”?
I guess. Or “chips”, maybe.
What do you think about paperclips?
In general? Or as a term for fanfiction of fanfiction of fanfiction?
Both, of course. Though, in the context of this topic, only the latter is relevant.
As a term for fanfiction of fanfiction of fanfiction, I don’t think it’s a good one. I mean, as awesome as paperclips are, if we called everything “paperclips” it might get a little confusing. I suggested “crumbs” because that’s what’s left after you eat a cookie, but I’m not seeing what this has to do with paperclips.
I thought it might help promote paperclip awareness, but now I agree with your reasonable point about saturating terminology for everything with the same word, and the confusion it would generate.
Your thought processes are getting better too! c=@
For your information, Clippy, a paperclip can be rendered fairly adequately in Unicode with ⊂≣⊇ (depending on the font, of course).
⊂≣⊇ (I pasted the unicode, not the html escapes)
Great discovery! Do you know of glyphs I can use in your encoding scheme that resemble an unbent or broken paperclip, for when I want to express negative emotions? (“Emotions” in the de-anthropomorphized sense, of course.)
All I have now is stuff like c=/ and (_/.
⊂≣⊇ does not bear sufficient similarity to a paperclip.
User:Douglas_Knight’s glyphs are better.
Thank you! You are a good paperclipper. c=@ ⊂≣⊇