Yes, this is why I didn’t want to bring up PUA—it drags in a host of connotations which were unrelated to my point. Which was simply that loss of dignity in front of the opposite sex is far more painful for males. The PUA-disclaimer was meant to convey that, even though I attributed the difference to the evo-psych reason I gave, I didn’t want to derail the conversation with this sort of thing. Ah well.
Yes, this is why I didn’t want to bring up PUA—it drags in a host of connotations which were unrelated to my point. Which was simply that loss of dignity in front of the opposite sex is far more painful for males. The PUA-disclaimer was meant to convey that, even though I attributed the difference to the evo-psych reason I gave, I didn’t want to derail the conversation with this sort of thing. Ah well.