Primarily 4, somewhat 1, somewhat 2, not at all 3. I think 1 and 2 mattered mostly in the sense that with comments the expectation is that you respond in some depth and with justification, whereas with messaging I just said things with no justification that only TurnTrout had to understand and only needed to explain the ones that we disagreed on.
I do think that conversation was uniquely bad for onboarding new people, I’m not sure I would understand what was said if I reread it two months from now. I did in fact post a distillation of it afterwards.
Primarily 4, somewhat 1, somewhat 2, not at all 3. I think 1 and 2 mattered mostly in the sense that with comments the expectation is that you respond in some depth and with justification, whereas with messaging I just said things with no justification that only TurnTrout had to understand and only needed to explain the ones that we disagreed on.
I do think that conversation was uniquely bad for onboarding new people, I’m not sure I would understand what was said if I reread it two months from now. I did in fact post a distillation of it afterwards.