A bit off topic, but you’ve got me thinking about Babylon 5, so have a few more question:
Who are you? (The Vorlon Question)
What do you want? (The Shadow Question)
Why are you here? & Do you have anything worth living for? (Lorien’s Questions)
Where are you going? (Techno Mage’s Question)
Ha, I’d totally forgotten about that excellent post of yours, which I did actually read at the time. Thanks for the reminder.
It continues with ‘who do you serve and who do you trust’. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWKNGNh1I-4
Now B5 is an amazingly well done show, but its not particularly singularitarian. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathwalker)
A bit off topic, but you’ve got me thinking about Babylon 5, so have a few more question:
Who are you? (The Vorlon Question)
What do you want? (The Shadow Question)
Why are you here? & Do you have anything worth living for? (Lorien’s Questions)
Where are you going? (Techno Mage’s Question)
Ha, I’d totally forgotten about that excellent post of yours, which I did actually read at the time. Thanks for the reminder.
It continues with ‘who do you serve and who do you trust’. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWKNGNh1I-4
Now B5 is an amazingly well done show, but its not particularly singularitarian. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathwalker)