Have you considered participating in SIAI’s Visiting Fellow Program? It is a good opportunity to learn what is being done for existential risk reduction.
Oh, you bet I have! But I have a few more responsibilities to deal with here before I can join in the effort in California… but it is my goal to start helping you guys with the LessWrong wiki from my residence here at the very least, and I’ve always wanted to start a rationalist youtube video playlist! Oh procrastination...
Have you considered participating in SIAI’s Visiting Fellow Program? It is a good opportunity to learn what is being done for existential risk reduction.
Oh, you bet I have! But I have a few more responsibilities to deal with here before I can join in the effort in California… but it is my goal to start helping you guys with the LessWrong wiki from my residence here at the very least, and I’ve always wanted to start a rationalist youtube video playlist! Oh procrastination...
At the SIAI house, surfing Less Wrong doesn’t count as procrastination! Except when it does.