Thanks for the write-up Evelyn! I’m so thrilled that you came to visit. I really enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know you, and look forward to much more. I asked for agenty, and boy do you fill that! Its extremely exciting to be in the presence of a person like you who goes out and makes things happen in the world. Having both the Less Wrong memes and agency is an extremely powerful combination—I look forward to following your adventures over time, and hopefully sharing many with you.
Thanks for the write-up Evelyn! I’m so thrilled that you came to visit. I really enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know you, and look forward to much more. I asked for agenty, and boy do you fill that! Its extremely exciting to be in the presence of a person like you who goes out and makes things happen in the world. Having both the Less Wrong memes and agency is an extremely powerful combination—I look forward to following your adventures over time, and hopefully sharing many with you.