In an environment where EA organizations don’t seem to keep their promises about responding in promised timeframes and write things like “we get back to you” and then don’t and seem to be willing to accept the negative mental health consequences that come along with that, is there a good reason why people should expect a different practice from this new process?
Yeah, it’s a pretty fair criticism. I am quite confident we will keep the “responses around the start of August” mark, because that one is pretty inherently baked into our evaluation process. And I do think we will get back to you within 14 days if you chose that option, though I have a lot of uncertainty of whether this might mean we just end up rejecting a lot of people.
You speak about how the whole application should be able to be done in 1-2 hours. I don’t think that figuring out the exact way the taxation situation works is a 1-2 hour thing. Would you want someone who doesn’t know exactly, to just apply or would you want them to figure out the taxation situation beforehand even if it takes longer?
I think applying anyways is fine. I do think most applicants probably will have a rough sense of their tax situation if they receive a grant, but I agree that it can sometimes be quite tricky to find out, and then it would definitely take longer than 1-2 hours to fill things in.
Yeah, it’s a pretty fair criticism. I am quite confident we will keep the “responses around the start of August” mark, because that one is pretty inherently baked into our evaluation process. And I do think we will get back to you within 14 days if you chose that option, though I have a lot of uncertainty of whether this might mean we just end up rejecting a lot of people.
I think applying anyways is fine. I do think most applicants probably will have a rough sense of their tax situation if they receive a grant, but I agree that it can sometimes be quite tricky to find out, and then it would definitely take longer than 1-2 hours to fill things in.