No, I don’t think so. Take the class of problems. The agent can pick any distribution over actions. The final payoff is determined only as a function of the implemented action and some finite number of samples generated by Omega from that distribution. Note that the expectation is continuous in the distribution chosen. It can therefore be shown (using e.g. Kakutani’s fixed-point theorem) that there is always at least one ratifiable distribution. See Theorem 3 at .
(Note that the above is assuming the agent maximizes expected vNM utility. If, e.g., the agent maximizes some lexical utility function, then the predictor can just take, say, two samples and if they differ use a punishment that is of a higher lexicality than the other rewards in the problem.)
Let’s start with the technical question:
>Can your argument be extended to this case?
No, I don’t think so. Take the class of problems. The agent can pick any distribution over actions. The final payoff is determined only as a function of the implemented action and some finite number of samples generated by Omega from that distribution. Note that the expectation is continuous in the distribution chosen. It can therefore be shown (using e.g. Kakutani’s fixed-point theorem) that there is always at least one ratifiable distribution. See Theorem 3 at .
(Note that the above is assuming the agent maximizes expected vNM utility. If, e.g., the agent maximizes some lexical utility function, then the predictor can just take, say, two samples and if they differ use a punishment that is of a higher lexicality than the other rewards in the problem.)
Thanks! That’s what I wanted to know. Will reply to the philosophical stuff in the comments to the other post.