I’m curious about this concern. You don’t seem particularly high-status here. You actually seem (at least to me) to have lower status than the average contributor. Are you really concerned about such matters?
Since he uses this material in his business, the results of which are his livelihood, his marketable image is highly important, yes, and this article can show up when potential clients search for his name or materials, making it something he has to protect and correct to the best of his ability.
If a larger business had had their materials similarly summarized, I would have anticipated copyright infringement and takedown notices rather than politely phrased requests for editing.
Surely not if the material being summarized was free promotional material...
The issue wouldn’t be in the summary, but in the presumption that it was a complete summary, which in turn would cause many people to decide that they now know everything there is to know about the subject, and see no reason to pursue it further.
Given that in this case it amounted to only a tiny fraction of the free materials, and was based on outdated models, that would be an inaccurate perception.
So, even though I made a joke about status, I actually do have an interest in ensuring that reviews of my work are accurately qualified.
reversing the negative status he had acquired. I would judge that he has above average status now.
I’ve actually had above-average karma pretty much since the site began, so I wonder what definition of “status” you’re using here. Status as perceived by what group, as ranked among what other group?
I’ve actually had above-average karma pretty much since the site began, so I wonder what definition of “status” you’re using here. Status as perceived by what group, as ranked among what other group?
Would you say that your recent contributions have been met with more appreciation than some of the earlier ones? If I recall correctly you mentioned in a recent post that you put effort into adapting your communication style to fit this audience. This has paid off and my perception is that your claims are being attributed more authority now than they were in the past.
A rough indication of your status could be, for example, by how many threads there are in which every pjeby comment is downvoted. I expect most pjeby comments to be upvoted or remain neutral now. This is some indication of higher status. That someone else makes a positive post referring to your work rather than a negative one disrespecting it is also an indication of higher status.
(All of which just means that I disagree with BindBreaker’s estimation of your status at this particular time.)
The last time I really checked (which was back in the early days), you had a far higher than normal proportion of posts with negative karma, which is the main thing that I use to evaluate a poster’s status. In general I find total karma to be unreliable because karma seems generally linked to post count (in the old days, this link was quite direct).
However, looking back now I see that your recent comments appear to have been much more generally appreciated. I am not as active as I would like and therefore haven’t seen many of these comments. This was quite an interesting discovery, as it made me aware of a greater need to evaluate status in the present state and account for shifts over time, so thanks, I guess.
The last time I really checked (which was back in the early days), you had a far higher than normal proportion of posts with negative karma, which is the main thing that I use to evaluate a poster’s status. In general I find total karma to be unreliable because karma seems generally linked to post count (in the old days, this link was quite direct).
Back when there was no limit to the number of downvotes one account could make, someone—either several people or one person with multiple accoutns—went through his comment history and systematically downvoted every post. (I inferred this at the time from the fact that the number of downvotes—particularly for out-of-the-way replies and meta stuff—was too consistent. And possibly other evidence I don’t recall, which would’ve come from noticing large shifts in karma at once.)
Yeah, when your karma drops 50-100 points in an hour or so, and it’s by almost exactly the number of comments you’ve made in the last week or so, and it happens every week or so, it’s pretty strong evidence of a systematic downvoting campaign.
Thanks! It might also be nice if your article called itself a summary of some of my freely available writings on the topic of pain/gain motivation.
I wouldn’t want to hurt my Status by appearing to only have this tiny handful of things to say. ;-)
I can’t conceive that anyone familiar with your contributions on this site would think that you only have a tiny handful of things to say. ;-)
:D Fair enough, edited.
So did you think it was a good summary otherwise?
Within that scope, yes. If I had any other issues with it, I wouldn’t have been too shy to say so. ;-)
I’m curious about this concern. You don’t seem particularly high-status here. You actually seem (at least to me) to have lower status than the average contributor. Are you really concerned about such matters?
Since he uses this material in his business, the results of which are his livelihood, his marketable image is highly important, yes, and this article can show up when potential clients search for his name or materials, making it something he has to protect and correct to the best of his ability.
If a larger business had had their materials similarly summarized, I would have anticipated copyright infringement and takedown notices rather than politely phrased requests for editing.
Surely not if the material being summarized was free promotional material...
The issue wouldn’t be in the summary, but in the presumption that it was a complete summary, which in turn would cause many people to decide that they now know everything there is to know about the subject, and see no reason to pursue it further.
Given that in this case it amounted to only a tiny fraction of the free materials, and was based on outdated models, that would be an inaccurate perception.
So, even though I made a joke about status, I actually do have an interest in ensuring that reviews of my work are accurately qualified.
“Status” was capitalized to reference a specific meaning—my brain’s emotional perception of status in the abstract—and it was a joke, hence the ‘;-)’
Pjeby has re-branded himself here, reversing the negative status he had acquired. I would judge that he has above average status now.
Ouch. That sounds painful. ;-)
I’ve actually had above-average karma pretty much since the site began, so I wonder what definition of “status” you’re using here. Status as perceived by what group, as ranked among what other group?
Would you say that your recent contributions have been met with more appreciation than some of the earlier ones? If I recall correctly you mentioned in a recent post that you put effort into adapting your communication style to fit this audience. This has paid off and my perception is that your claims are being attributed more authority now than they were in the past.
A rough indication of your status could be, for example, by how many threads there are in which every pjeby comment is downvoted. I expect most pjeby comments to be upvoted or remain neutral now. This is some indication of higher status. That someone else makes a positive post referring to your work rather than a negative one disrespecting it is also an indication of higher status.
(All of which just means that I disagree with BindBreaker’s estimation of your status at this particular time.)
The last time I really checked (which was back in the early days), you had a far higher than normal proportion of posts with negative karma, which is the main thing that I use to evaluate a poster’s status. In general I find total karma to be unreliable because karma seems generally linked to post count (in the old days, this link was quite direct).
However, looking back now I see that your recent comments appear to have been much more generally appreciated. I am not as active as I would like and therefore haven’t seen many of these comments. This was quite an interesting discovery, as it made me aware of a greater need to evaluate status in the present state and account for shifts over time, so thanks, I guess.
Back when there was no limit to the number of downvotes one account could make, someone—either several people or one person with multiple accoutns—went through his comment history and systematically downvoted every post. (I inferred this at the time from the fact that the number of downvotes—particularly for out-of-the-way replies and meta stuff—was too consistent. And possibly other evidence I don’t recall, which would’ve come from noticing large shifts in karma at once.)
Yeah, when your karma drops 50-100 points in an hour or so, and it’s by almost exactly the number of comments you’ve made in the last week or so, and it happens every week or so, it’s pretty strong evidence of a systematic downvoting campaign.