The 60,000 Florida citizens who voted Green in 2000 didn’t result in Nader for President (they did result in a nadir for the presidency, but that’s different) . However, they did make Gore lose to Bush by a mere 500 votes.
The same could be said for the 562 voters for James Harris of the Socialist Workers Party.
I’ve used this as an example of the problem with ‘Highlander thinking’, or the claim that there can be only one cause. Seems to me that any number of changes to the timeline would hand Gore the Presidency.
The same could be said for the 562 voters for James Harris of the Socialist Workers Party.
I’ve used this as an example of the problem with ‘Highlander thinking’, or the claim that there can be only one cause. Seems to me that any number of changes to the timeline would hand Gore the Presidency.