Age 4-7ish learning resources recommendations! Needless to say, different kids will take to different things. But here’s my experience fwiw.
MATH—DragonBox—A+, whole series of games running from basic numeracy through geometry and algebra. Excellent gameplay, well-crafted, kid loves them.
Number Blocks (Netflix) - A+, basic numeracy, addition, concept of multiplication. Kid must have watched each episode 10 times and enthused about it endlessly.
Counting Kingdom—A+, Mastering mental addition. Excellent gameplay; fun for adults too. Note: Not currently available on ipad; I got it on PC Steam.
Slice Fractions 1 & 2 - A+, Teaches fractions. Great gameplay, great pedagogy.
An old-fashioned pocket calculator—A+, an underrated toy.
LITERACY: Explode The Code book—A, been around since at least the 1980s, still good.
Teach Your Monster To Read—B+, gameplay is a bit repetitive & difficulty progresses too quickly, but got a few hours of great learning in there before he lost interest
Poio - A-, Good gameplay, kid really liked it. Limited scope but great for what it is.
For reading, no individual thing seemed to make a huge difference and none of them kept his interest too long. But it all added up, bit by bit, and now he’s over the hump, reading unprompted. Yay!
Age 4-7ish learning resources recommendations! Needless to say, different kids will take to different things. But here’s my experience fwiw.
MATH—DragonBox—A+, whole series of games running from basic numeracy through geometry and algebra. Excellent gameplay, well-crafted, kid loves them.
Number Blocks (Netflix) - A+, basic numeracy, addition, concept of multiplication. Kid must have watched each episode 10 times and enthused about it endlessly.
Counting Kingdom—A+, Mastering mental addition. Excellent gameplay; fun for adults too. Note: Not currently available on ipad; I got it on PC Steam.
Slice Fractions 1 & 2 - A+, Teaches fractions. Great gameplay, great pedagogy.
An old-fashioned pocket calculator—A+, an underrated toy.
LITERACY: Explode The Code book—A, been around since at least the 1980s, still good.
Teach Your Monster To Read—B+, gameplay is a bit repetitive & difficulty progresses too quickly, but got a few hours of great learning in there before he lost interest
Poio - A-, Good gameplay, kid really liked it. Limited scope but great for what it is.
For reading, no individual thing seemed to make a huge difference and none of them kept his interest too long. But it all added up, bit by bit, and now he’s over the hump, reading unprompted. Yay!
PROGRAMMING—Scratch Jr—A+ , duh
Also: favorite parenting books for ages 0-2: No Bad Kids, Ferber, Anthropology of Childhood, Oh Crap, King Baby, Bringing Up Bebe