Expressing lifetime or otherwise long term cost in terms of “cost per day” is insulting to readers’ intelligence and is an extremely dishonest attempt at making things appear cheaper than they really are. Please never ever do this. Even worse is pretending life insurance costs stay the same for life.
As an intelligent reader I found the ‘cost per day’ information useful. When considering what it would take to sign up for cryogenics this is exactly the information I need to consider. Numbers like $155,000 may be relevant to actual decision making but not to procrastinating with rationalisations that can be seen here.
As an intelligent reader I found the ‘cost per day’ information useful. When considering what it would take to sign up for cryogenics this is exactly the information I need to consider. Numbers like $155,000 may be relevant to actual decision making but not to procrastinating with rationalisations that can be seen here.