Please don’t overuse the concept “absolute denial macro”. This refers to inability to notice your left arm is paralyzed. You’re talking about strictly ordinary denial.
I’m uncomfortable with the reification of an “absolute denial macro”, period. I think the observed behavior is more likely to be the product of a damage-induced cognitive deficit rather than some macro-like subroutine that gets activated inappropriately.
Please don’t overuse the concept “absolute denial macro”. This refers to inability to notice your left arm is paralyzed. You’re talking about strictly ordinary denial.
I was trying to use it in roughly the same sense that taw was in the post I linked to. Upon reflection, yes, it’s silly in this context.
I’m uncomfortable with the reification of an “absolute denial macro”, period. I think the observed behavior is more likely to be the product of a damage-induced cognitive deficit rather than some macro-like subroutine that gets activated inappropriately.