By high school I was very into altruism, but it took me a lot longer to discover the effectiveness piece. Some ideas I wish I had heard about then:
Effects matter more than personal virtue (it’s better to accomplish something than to just have good intentions.)
Different projects and charities produce different effects, and it’s important which ones you choose.
You may want to study things beyond typical do-gooder subjects (anthropology/sociology, foreign languages, etc.) Subjects like economics aren’t just for greedy/selfish people—they can help you help other people.
By high school I was very into altruism, but it took me a lot longer to discover the effectiveness piece. Some ideas I wish I had heard about then:
Effects matter more than personal virtue (it’s better to accomplish something than to just have good intentions.)
Different projects and charities produce different effects, and it’s important which ones you choose.
You may want to study things beyond typical do-gooder subjects (anthropology/sociology, foreign languages, etc.) Subjects like economics aren’t just for greedy/selfish people—they can help you help other people.