If someone is an “identity freak”, they need to condition the distribution on “person X is alive” (where “X”—the person of interest). And now the question is whether the average health deteriorates “as time goes to infinity”—it probably deteriorates to some minimum livable floor and then bounces up once we cross singularity. (I’m not an “identity freak” BTW.)
If someone is an “identity freak”, they need to condition the distribution on “person X is alive” (where “X”—the person of interest). And now the question is whether the average health deteriorates “as time goes to infinity”—it probably deteriorates to some minimum livable floor and then bounces up once we cross singularity. (I’m not an “identity freak” BTW.)
To explore some possibilities, have a look at http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5389450/1/The-Finale-of-the-Ultimate-Meta-Mega-Crossover—where MWI is generalized to what I call “Universal Distribution Metaphysics”.