At APS march meeting I met another CM experimentalist—in quantum computing, no less—who ‘had no patience for’ (his words) any interpretations of QM; this lumped Bohm and MW in the same boat explicitly, with other unnamed interpretations implied. In response, the senior guy at the table said that he’d ‘gained some patience’ (his words) with MW once he heard a talk describing what it actually was, and after that it seemed pretty reasonable. This elicited a ‘huh’ and a facial expression I interpreted as ‘queue for reconsideration’. Not sure whether this was just to be polite.
At APS march meeting I met another CM experimentalist—in quantum computing, no less—who ‘had no patience for’ (his words) any interpretations of QM; this lumped Bohm and MW in the same boat explicitly, with other unnamed interpretations implied. In response, the senior guy at the table said that he’d ‘gained some patience’ (his words) with MW once he heard a talk describing what it actually was, and after that it seemed pretty reasonable. This elicited a ‘huh’ and a facial expression I interpreted as ‘queue for reconsideration’. Not sure whether this was just to be polite.