Here are the statistics of the members who claim to have 4000 karma or more. MyersBriggs: 5 INTJ, 2 INTP, 2 ENFP, 1 ENTJ, 1 ISTP
Here are the statistics of the members who claim to have 4000 karma or more.
MyersBriggs: 5 INTJ, 2 INTP, 2 ENFP, 1 ENTJ, 1 ISTP
0 INFPs with over 4k? Well, it looks like that has outed me as not filling in this year’s survey! Well, unless I was the type to be squeamish about revealing karma or identifying information in such a case (not likely!)
0 INFPs with over 4k? Well, it looks like that has outed me as not filling in this year’s survey! Well, unless I was the type to be squeamish about revealing karma or identifying information in such a case (not likely!)