Hypothesis: those directly affected by the troll policy (trolls) are more likely to have strong disapproval than those unaffected by the troll policy are to have strong approval.
Hypothesis rejected when we operationalize ‘trolls’ as ‘low karma’:
R> lwtroll <- lw[!is.na(lw$KarmaScore),]
R> lwtroll <- lwtroll[lwtroll$TrollToll=="Agree with toll" | lwtroll$TrollToll=="Disagree with toll",]
R> # disagree=3, agree=2; so:
R> # if positive correlation, higher karma associates with disagreement
R> # if negative correlation, higher karma associates with agreement
R> # we are testing hypothesis higher karma = lower score/higher agreement
R> cor.test(as.integer(lwtroll$TrollToll), lwtroll$KarmaScore, alternative=”less”)
Pearson’s product-moment correlation
data: as.integer(lwtroll$TrollToll) and lwtroll$KarmaScore
t = 1.362, df = 315, p-value = 0.9129
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is less than 0
95 percent confidence interval:
−1.0000 0.1679
sample estimates:
R> # a log-transform of the karma scores doesn’t help:
R> cor.test(as.integer(lwtroll$TrollToll), log1p(lwtroll$KarmaScore), alternative=”less”)
Pearson’s product-moment correlation
data: as.integer(lwtroll$TrollToll) and log1p(lwtroll$KarmaScore)
t = 2.559, df = 315, p-value = 0.9945
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is less than 0
95 percent confidence interval:
−1.0000 0.2322
sample estimates:
If this were anywhere but a site dedicated to rationality, I would expect trolls to self-report their karma scores much higher on a survey than they actually are, but that data is pretty staggering. I accept the rejection of the hypothesis, and withdraw my opinion insofar as it applies to this site.
Hypothesis rejected when we operationalize ‘trolls’ as ‘low karma’:
Plots of the scores, regular and log-transformed:
If this were anywhere but a site dedicated to rationality, I would expect trolls to self-report their karma scores much higher on a survey than they actually are, but that data is pretty staggering. I accept the rejection of the hypothesis, and withdraw my opinion insofar as it applies to this site.