Yeah, different websites have different personality skews, which complicates things. Fortunately there’s evidence against Mensa having used an online sample: Epiphany said the results were published in December 1993. It’s fairly easy to give a survey to an Internet forum nowadays, but where would Mensa have found an online sample back in ’93? IRC? Usenet? (There is a where people posted about personality and the Myers-Briggs back in 1993, but the only relevant post that year was someone asking about Mensans’ personalities to no avail.)
Yeah, different websites have different personality skews, which complicates things. Fortunately there’s evidence against Mensa having used an online sample: Epiphany said the results were published in December 1993. It’s fairly easy to give a survey to an Internet forum nowadays, but where would Mensa have found an online sample back in ’93? IRC? Usenet? (There is a where people posted about personality and the Myers-Briggs back in 1993, but the only relevant post that year was someone asking about Mensans’ personalities to no avail.)