My personal belief is that if there is a “god”, he is quite probably much like a video game programmer, who can set up a universe like an MMO and let it run “infinitely” in “real-time”, but, being constrained to a similar time-scale as the “players”, is unable to make a large number of fine-grained adjustments to local variables at the immediate behest of said players (i.e. “answering prayers”).
Given that all the ‘players’ are running in the universe in question, being able to make a large number of fine-grained adjustments to local variables in an instant (in-universe time) is simple; simply pause the simulation.
...unless some of you out there are actually players from outside the universe, in which case the rest of us would appreciate a hint.
Given that all the ‘players’ are running in the universe in question, being able to make a large number of fine-grained adjustments to local variables in an instant (in-universe time) is simple; simply pause the simulation.
...unless some of you out there are actually players from outside the universe, in which case the rest of us would appreciate a hint.
What, the myriad prophets of revealed religions and cults aren’t enough of a hint for you?