I have always despised the term “pseudointellectualism” since there isn’t exactly a set of criteria for a pseudointellectual, nor is there a process of accreditation for becoming an intellectual; the closest thing I’m aware of is, perhaps, a doctorate, but the world isn’t exactly short of Ph.D.s who put out crap. There are numerous graduate programs where the GRE/GPA combination to get in is barely above the undergrad averages, for example.
Some of the ‘descriptions of LessWrong’ can make for a great quote on the back of Yudkowsky’s book.
Pratchett always includes a quote that calls him a “complete amateur,” so there is some precedent for ostentatiously including negative reviews.
I have always despised the term “pseudointellectualism” since there isn’t exactly a set of criteria for a pseudointellectual, nor is there a process of accreditation for becoming an intellectual; the closest thing I’m aware of is, perhaps, a doctorate, but the world isn’t exactly short of Ph.D.s who put out crap. There are numerous graduate programs where the GRE/GPA combination to get in is barely above the undergrad averages, for example.
I’d like to have one of these quotes in cross-stitch to hang on my wall. (Hint: Christmas is around the corner!)