If I had downvoted it, it would be because I can’t really imagine reading “Who would compensate them?” and responding “Can you define ‘who’?” as a serious attempt at communication.
And you call yourself pedantic? There were a number of referents in my comment which could have applied, and while I usually feel at no disadvantage in a battle of wits, I have a mental problem that either renders me easily confused, or fully aware that I am not a mind reader.
This comment is supposed to be serious and funny. Can you guess which parts I think are funny, and why?
Actually, ‘this comment’ was self-referential. The comment you reviewed was intentionally serious, and unintentionally ridiculous. I get that a lot.
But ridiculous is funny, and I totally agree with your last judgement of funny, and wish I had noticed that it was funny, BEFORE I posted. I am trying to get comfortable with being accidentally funny.
I should really just stick with a pretense that everything funny I say is intentionally hilarious, instead of just occasionally patently ridiculous. Apparently.
Apparently so. Can you explain why it is interesting?
Edited to add: I assume you may be trying to explain what is interesting about my comments in the more serious and complicated response you may still be working on, but of which I have only seen the placeholder. I’d say that I can’t wait, but I have already had to...
In the self-referentially intentionally funny comment I make above, I was absolutely serious about having a mental problem. And about being easily confused. And about being painfully aware that I am not a mind reader. Absolutely intentionally serious, and, for a change, intentionally funny at the same time. Irony is LOST on me. or everybody else, and I have no way of telling which!
Someone (Eliezer?) once said something like: if you tell me exactly what it is that an Artificial Intelligence can’t do, I can build an AI to do exactly that. If a person who believes in a fundamental difference at that sort of level between machines and animals can precisely define something, a computer can follow that definition.
It doesn’t work quite as well here. But if someone gives a good enough answer for their question of “who”, with exactly why an animal wouldn’t count, or a computer, or a corporation, they may make their question so complicated that it only has one answer or no answers as asked.
Ah. I am abnormally careful about the question of ‘who would’ do something. People often take my serious suggestions as playful, and vice versa. I no longer recommend a new hairstyle to anyone because I have given this advice three times, it was always taken, and I only liked the results without qualification once.
I may be paranoid, but I do not like to worry about this. <-- also intentionally funny. I am trying to not to worry about whether it is true. <-- Also funny.
If I had downvoted it, it would be because I can’t really imagine reading “Who would compensate them?” and responding “Can you define ‘who’?” as a serious attempt at communication.
And you call yourself pedantic? There were a number of referents in my comment which could have applied, and while I usually feel at no disadvantage in a battle of wits, I have a mental problem that either renders me easily confused, or fully aware that I am not a mind reader.
This comment is supposed to be serious and funny. Can you guess which parts I think are funny, and why?
Ready for some meta-meta-irony? At the time I chose the username, I actually wasn’t aware that “terrific” is a word people commonly misspell.
At this point I’m afraid to try.
Actually, ‘this comment’ was self-referential. The comment you reviewed was intentionally serious, and unintentionally ridiculous. I get that a lot.
But ridiculous is funny, and I totally agree with your last judgement of funny, and wish I had noticed that it was funny, BEFORE I posted. I am trying to get comfortable with being accidentally funny.
I should really just stick with a pretense that everything funny I say is intentionally hilarious, instead of just occasionally patently ridiculous. Apparently.
When asked “who” would do something, asking for a definition of who is an interesting move.
Pedantic, but I think what everyone has been talking about is assigning the referent of “who”, not defining it.
You rang?
(That’s what lessdazed is talking about as well.)
Heh, didn’t mean to call you by name.
I know that’s what everyone was talking about—I was just clarifying because it can be read more strongly than it should be.
Apparently so. Can you explain why it is interesting?
Edited to add: I assume you may be trying to explain what is interesting about my comments in the more serious and complicated response you may still be working on, but of which I have only seen the placeholder. I’d say that I can’t wait, but I have already had to...
In the self-referentially intentionally funny comment I make above, I was absolutely serious about having a mental problem. And about being easily confused. And about being painfully aware that I am not a mind reader. Absolutely intentionally serious, and, for a change, intentionally funny at the same time. Irony is LOST on me. or everybody else, and I have no way of telling which!
Someone (Eliezer?) once said something like: if you tell me exactly what it is that an Artificial Intelligence can’t do, I can build an AI to do exactly that. If a person who believes in a fundamental difference at that sort of level between machines and animals can precisely define something, a computer can follow that definition.
It doesn’t work quite as well here. But if someone gives a good enough answer for their question of “who”, with exactly why an animal wouldn’t count, or a computer, or a corporation, they may make their question so complicated that it only has one answer or no answers as asked.
Ah. I am abnormally careful about the question of ‘who would’ do something. People often take my serious suggestions as playful, and vice versa. I no longer recommend a new hairstyle to anyone because I have given this advice three times, it was always taken, and I only liked the results without qualification once.
I may be paranoid, but I do not like to worry about this. <-- also intentionally funny. I am trying to not to worry about whether it is true. <-- Also funny.
I am taking medication for insomnia. Seriously.
So am I! But it’s not working very well, hence my being awake at this hour.