The restriction on having multiple linkposts to the same URL is something we inherited from our framework (Vulcan), which doesn’t particularly make sense for LW. We’ve taken it out, so you’ll be able to make the linkpost after the next time we deploy an update (which will be later this week).
After reading the post and some of these comments (including this one) it was unclear to me whether FHI had actually intended to make this public yet.
It seems that in fact they have:
It’s linked in the first sentence of the post. Though I guess I link to the pdf instead of the web page.
I tried to make this a link post, but I got an error message saying that it has already been linked before.
Yeah, saw the link, but since it was direct to the pdf, wasn’t sure if there’d been an announcement or anything like that.
(Perhaps I should have enough trust in FHI that if a link is accessible then that’s intentional. Not something you can count on in general though. :P)
The restriction on having multiple linkposts to the same URL is something we inherited from our framework (Vulcan), which doesn’t particularly make sense for LW. We’ve taken it out, so you’ll be able to make the linkpost after the next time we deploy an update (which will be later this week).
I also just went in and appended some random URL parameters to the URL to avoid the duplication filter for now.