Since what Scott Aaronson is saying in point 2 sounds very interesting to me, would someone be so nice and elaborate on the following sentence (so that I don’t have to wait until I am able to reduce the inferential distance :-):
If I didn’t know that in real life, people pretty much never encounter pure states, but only more general objects that (to paraphrase Jaynes) scramble together “subjective” probabilities and “objective” amplitudes into a single omelette, the view that quantum states are “states of knowledge” that “live in the mind, not in the world” would probably also strike me as meaningless nonsense.
Since what Scott Aaronson is saying in point 2 sounds very interesting to me, would someone be so nice and elaborate on the following sentence (so that I don’t have to wait until I am able to reduce the inferential distance :-):
I’ve been looking everywhere to an answer to this question. Can someone, anyone with deep knowledge of QM and who accepts MWI please try to answer it?