Who are your favourite rationalist bloggers?
I want to check out more rationalist bloggers.
Please list no more than one per answer. That way I can see from the upvotes/downvotes which ones are the most popular (and hopefully which ones are most worth checking out).
I know that popularity isn’t a perfect signal, but hopefully it is a better signal here than on the rest of the Internet.
Scott Alexander.
How one person can write so much, of such quality, with such consistency is beyond me.
He says he can’t help it.
What do Isaac Newton and Scott Alexander have in common?
The desire to publish on Slate Star Codex.
Unfortunately for Isaac Newton, he died before internet was invented, so we will never know what he would have blogged about.
IQ? Asperger?
Just in case some people might not know where to find him: http://slatestarcodex.com/ (Remember to give parent comment your upvotes, not me, if you want to vote for him.)
Currently Scott Alexander has 41 votes and everyone else has a total of 28. That’s pretty impressive.
The Unit of Caring is a wonderful rationalist Tumblr.
Marginal Revolution
FWIW, I unsubbed from MR shortly after subscribing. It kind of felt like reading through someone else’s RSS feed, with small amounts of commentary which often assumed more economic literacy than I actually have.
I think of it as outsourcing my RSS feed.
Obviously YMMV; I work in investment.
Katja Grace’s Meteuphoric
I suggest browsing the opinions page for mentally delicious tab explosions.
Also, Kevin Simler’s Melting Asphalt is great and has lots of insightful essays about things. Warning: Still doesn’t have archives, you’re going to need to go through the meta posts to read old things.
I like Eneasz Brodski’s Death is Bad. Not as moralizing as the title sounds, has lots of fun book reviews.
Carl Shulman
I wouldn’t quite call him a rationalist blogger, but I love reading Tim Urban of Wait But Why.
Andrew Gelman wrote Less Wrong’s favorite textbook on advanced Bayesian statistics. His blog is here. Some good stuff like a recent post on why the hot hand actually exists which I still don’t completely understand.
I wonder if anyone has made any effort to systematically catalogue academics who blog?
Divia (and Will?) ’s blog on parenting
Gwern’s google plus: https://plus.google.com/103530621949492999968/posts
RSS: http://gplus-to-rss6.appspot.com/rss/103530621949492999968
Effective Differentials
Preemptive Whitespace