I speculate (based on personal glimpses, not based on any stable thing I can point to) that there’s many small sets of people (say of size 2-4) who could greatly increase their total output given some preconditions, unknown to me, that unlock a sort of hivemind. Some of the preconditions include various kinds of trust, of common knowledge of shared goals, and of person-specific interface skill (like speaking each other’s languages, common knowledge of tactics for resolving ambiguity, etc.). [ETA: which, if true, would be good to have already set up before crunch time.]
I speculate (based on personal glimpses, not based on any stable thing I can point to) that there’s many small sets of people (say of size 2-4) who could greatly increase their total output given some preconditions, unknown to me, that unlock a sort of hivemind. Some of the preconditions include various kinds of trust, of common knowledge of shared goals, and of person-specific interface skill (like speaking each other’s languages, common knowledge of tactics for resolving ambiguity, etc.).
[ETA: which, if true, would be good to have already set up before crunch time.]