Yes—and to me, that’s a perfect illustration of why experiments are relevant in the first place! More often than not, the only reason we need experiments is that we’re not smart enough. After the experiment has been done, if we’ve learned anything worth knowing at all, then hopefully we’ve learned why the experiment wasn’t necessary to begin with—why it wouldn’t have made sense for the world to be any other way. But we’re too dumb to figure it out ourselves! --Scott Aaronson
Yes—and to me, that’s a perfect illustration of why experiments are relevant in the first place! More often than not, the only reason we need experiments is that we’re not smart enough. After the experiment has been done, if we’ve learned anything worth knowing at all, then hopefully we’ve learned why the experiment wasn’t necessary to begin with—why it wouldn’t have made sense for the world to be any other way. But we’re too dumb to figure it out ourselves! --Scott Aaronson
Or at least confirmation bias makes it seem that way.
Also hindsight bias. But I still think the quote has a perfectly valid point.