For millenea, parents have had children, knowing they will suffer many things and then die. For decades, many have expected it to happen sooner rather than later. Neither immortality nor certainty of long life free of suffering was ever on the table, for anyone.
You haven’t decided that your future life is negative-expectation, right? You’re expecting some joy, satisfaction, and good work/effort, along with the pain and eventual end. Why would you expect your counterfactual child to prefer not to exist, for whatever time and experiences they might have?
For millenea, parents have had children, knowing they will suffer many things and then die. For decades, many have expected it to happen sooner rather than later. Neither immortality nor certainty of long life free of suffering was ever on the table, for anyone.
You haven’t decided that your future life is negative-expectation, right? You’re expecting some joy, satisfaction, and good work/effort, along with the pain and eventual end. Why would you expect your counterfactual child to prefer not to exist, for whatever time and experiences they might have?