Is it impossible that someday someone will derive the Born rule from Schrodinger’s equation (plus perhaps some of the “background assumptions” relied on by the MWI)?
Could it be you? Maybe you have a thought on what I said in this other comment?
They also implicitly claim that in order for the Born rule to work [under pilot wave], the particles have to start the sim following the psi^2 distribution. I thinkk this is just false, and eg a wide normal distribution will converge to psi^2 over time as the system evolves. (For a non-adversarially-chosen system.) I don’t know how to check this. Has someone checked this? Am I looking at this right?
Is it impossible that someday someone will derive the Born rule from Schrodinger’s equation (plus perhaps some of the “background assumptions” relied on by the MWI)?
People keep coming up with derivations, and other people keep coming up with criticisms of them, which is why people keep coming up with new ones.
Didn’t Carroll already do that? Is something still missing?
No, I don’t believe he did, but I’ll save the critique of that paper for my upcoming “why MWI is flawed” post.
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Sean Carroll already did that!
Carroll’s additional assumptions are not relied on by the MWI.
Could it be you? Maybe you have a thought on what I said in this other comment?