Woah, that is a lot of divs I had to count to count!
Another case I’d like to be considered more is “if we can’t/shouldn’t control the AIs, what can we do to still have influence over them?”
Thermite. Destroying or preventing them is the ONLY option in that situation. (Well, I suppose you could launch them out of our future light cone.)
No; I said, I’d like to case to be considered. What you are doing is NOT considering it.
Considering all the other alternatives it’s rather fortunate that we have thermite, an expanding cosmos and special relativity at our displosal for influencing cause and effect. Without those we’d be screwed!
No; I said, I’d like to case to be considered. What you are doing is NOT considering it.
Woah, that is a lot of divs I had to count to count!
Considering all the other alternatives it’s rather fortunate that we have thermite, an expanding cosmos and special relativity at our displosal for influencing cause and effect. Without those we’d be screwed!