I have it in hard copy, but all attempts so far to scan or photograph it have been foiled. I’m working on it, though; by far the best media piece on Less Wrong I’ve seen so far.
ETA—To give you an idea: the author personally attended a CFAR workshop and visited MIRI, and upon closer inspection one can make out part of the Map of Bay Area Memespace in one of the otherwise-trite collage illustrations.
I have it in hard copy, but all attempts so far to scan or photograph it have been foiled. I’m working on it, though; by far the best media piece on Less Wrong I’ve seen so far.
ETA—To give you an idea: the author personally attended a CFAR workshop and visited MIRI, and upon closer inspection one can make out part of the Map of Bay Area Memespace in one of the otherwise-trite collage illustrations.