For me, the discovery that science is too slow was bound up with the realization that science is not safe. My private discovery of the slowness of science didn’t come from looking at the process of scientific discovery and reflecting on the time it took—rather, it arose from realizing that the things I learned or discovered via science were slower more painful than those I learned from other methods. “Other methods” encompasses everything from pure mathematics to That Magical Click, the first inescapable and the second, initially, unsupported. Realizing that science was a fairly low-quality set of tools carried with it the realization that its inefficiency was a function of its precautions. Not trusting science as the ideal method for discovery, I ceased to trust it as ideal for reliability.
New to this site, Bayescraft, and rationalism as a whole, I still have a mentor left to distrust. Consciously, I know that these techniques are imperfect, but I have yet to understand them well enough to be failed by them.
For me, the discovery that science is too slow was bound up with the realization that science is not safe. My private discovery of the slowness of science didn’t come from looking at the process of scientific discovery and reflecting on the time it took—rather, it arose from realizing that the things I learned or discovered via science were slower more painful than those I learned from other methods. “Other methods” encompasses everything from pure mathematics to That Magical Click, the first inescapable and the second, initially, unsupported. Realizing that science was a fairly low-quality set of tools carried with it the realization that its inefficiency was a function of its precautions. Not trusting science as the ideal method for discovery, I ceased to trust it as ideal for reliability.
New to this site, Bayescraft, and rationalism as a whole, I still have a mentor left to distrust. Consciously, I know that these techniques are imperfect, but I have yet to understand them well enough to be failed by them.