Ah, I also wish there were some posts about the practical parts of signing up. An overview of options, like Alcor or CI, standby service, life insurance costs, whether to consider relocation to Phoenix or whatnot, whether to get one of those bracelet things or something, and for god’s sake let the guide not be so US-centric.
Though possibly this masterpost-thing exists and I haven’t heard of it, or my unusual distaste for not having every detail planned out beforehand is biasing me.
Ah, I also wish there were some posts about the practical parts of signing up. An overview of options, like Alcor or CI, standby service, life insurance costs, whether to consider relocation to Phoenix or whatnot, whether to get one of those bracelet things or something, and for god’s sake let the guide not be so US-centric.
Though possibly this masterpost-thing exists and I haven’t heard of it, or my unusual distaste for not having every detail planned out beforehand is biasing me.