[Link] Free TEDYouth Event in NYC for High School Students

Taken from the TEDYouth event description page:

Held annually in New York City, TEDYouth is a day-long event for high school students that includes live speakers, hands-on activities, demonstrations and an opportunity for the youth attendees and speakers to connect. TEDYouth coincides with more than 100 self-organized TEDxYouthDay events happening worldwide over a 48-hour period.

This year’s TEDYouth conference will be held on Saturday, November 17th, 2012, at the Times Center in Manhattan, from 1pm-6pm.

More than 20 scientists, designers, technologists, explorers, artists, performers (and more!) will share short lessons on what they do best. They’ll dazzle us with mind-shifting stories, inspire us with creativity and make us want to dive even deeper into this broad array of topics.

The program will be made up of two sessions and a break with engaging activities, demonstrations and even a chance to meet the speakers. Attendance is free of charge for 400 high school students from within the New York City area.

Students must apply by the 15th of October. I personally attended last year’s TEDYouth conference and enjoyed it. One of my favorite things about it is that all the attendees were able to personally talk to all the speakers afterwards, including Adam Savage from MythBusters and The Science Babe, Dr. Deborah Berebichez .