First get some special case for the pen so it will survive any of the scenarios.
Bury it very deep underground
Eat it
Get it transplanted between your organs.
Move to china and get a new identity
Put it into the sword handle of your decorational sword on your wall
Shoot it into orbit.
Get a save at a bank.
Build your own castle to defend the pen.
Paint the pen in a different color. No one will notice it is the same pen.
Make it invisible
Give it to your friend you really trust.
Hide the pen for 30 years and then give it to the child Albert Einstein so he can come up with his results 20 years early.
Send it to Albert Einsteins mother, so she can protect it.
Throw it into the ocean and hope the tides will bring it back 50 years later
Put it between your couch cushions.
Put it inside one of your couch cushions.
Lend it to a museum for 50 years and tell them about the importance of the pen. No one will expect that you put the pen on display for everyone.
Give the pen to Maxwell, so he can come up with relativity instead.
Tell your son to come up with a solution. You fear you won’t be there in 50 years to protect the pen.
Hide it in an old tree.
Bring the pen to the Vatican and ask the pope to hide the pen for you in some special save?
Glue it to the ceiling of your appartment.
Hide the pen inside an art gallery with the Text: “This is not a pen” written under the display.
Put it into your pocket
Give it to a pen collector to hide it between his other pens.
Try really hard to remember what you learned about physics in the future and come up with the Einsteins work instead.
put it into a chest and tell someone that it contains something really important.
Send it to your parents.
Examine it very closely. Maybe you are able to transfer its power to other pens.
Become really good at making pens, so you can give Albert Einstein another pen that is just as good.
Hide it in a mine
Found a cult around the pen that will be able to protect it against those evil forces.
Go to iceland and hide it in the snow.
Go to the Sahara and hide it in the sand.
Hide it inside of a book you don’t like.
get a really high tower and hide it on the roof. no one will dare to go there
Hide it inside of some indiana Jones Temple
It’s 1855? Put it under your hat.
Hide it on a yet undiscovered Island.
Put it so deep under water that it can only be retrieved with technology after 1900
Put it into a secret pocket of your jacket.
Give it to powerful authorities of your country of residence
Give it to a construction worker to hide it in a wall.
Put it into the Lascaux cave. It won’t be discovered for more then 80 years.
Close your Eyes so you can’t see it.
throw it real high and hope it does only come back in 50 years.
Put it into your wallet
Invent the Radio and send a signal to aliens to take the pen on there spaceship.
Hide a fake copy of the pen in an obvious hiding place and keep the real one always with you.
Make 50 copies of the pen and hide all of them in seperate locations. Only you know where you hid the original one.
First get some special case for the pen so it will survive any of the scenarios.
Bury it very deep underground
Eat it
Get it transplanted between your organs.
Move to china and get a new identity
Put it into the sword handle of your decorational sword on your wall
Shoot it into orbit.
Get a save at a bank.
Build your own castle to defend the pen.
Paint the pen in a different color. No one will notice it is the same pen.
Make it invisible
Give it to your friend you really trust.
Hide the pen for 30 years and then give it to the child Albert Einstein so he can come up with his results 20 years early.
Send it to Albert Einsteins mother, so she can protect it.
Throw it into the ocean and hope the tides will bring it back 50 years later
Put it between your couch cushions.
Put it inside one of your couch cushions.
Lend it to a museum for 50 years and tell them about the importance of the pen. No one will expect that you put the pen on display for everyone.
Give the pen to Maxwell, so he can come up with relativity instead.
Tell your son to come up with a solution. You fear you won’t be there in 50 years to protect the pen.
Hide it in an old tree.
Bring the pen to the Vatican and ask the pope to hide the pen for you in some special save?
Glue it to the ceiling of your appartment.
Hide the pen inside an art gallery with the Text: “This is not a pen” written under the display.
Put it into your pocket
Give it to a pen collector to hide it between his other pens.
Try really hard to remember what you learned about physics in the future and come up with the Einsteins work instead.
put it into a chest and tell someone that it contains something really important.
Send it to your parents.
Examine it very closely. Maybe you are able to transfer its power to other pens.
Become really good at making pens, so you can give Albert Einstein another pen that is just as good.
Hide it in a mine
Found a cult around the pen that will be able to protect it against those evil forces.
Go to iceland and hide it in the snow.
Go to the Sahara and hide it in the sand.
Hide it inside of a book you don’t like.
get a really high tower and hide it on the roof. no one will dare to go there
Hide it inside of some indiana Jones Temple
It’s 1855? Put it under your hat.
Hide it on a yet undiscovered Island.
Put it so deep under water that it can only be retrieved with technology after 1900
Put it into a secret pocket of your jacket.
Give it to powerful authorities of your country of residence
Give it to a construction worker to hide it in a wall.
Put it into the Lascaux cave. It won’t be discovered for more then 80 years.
Close your Eyes so you can’t see it.
throw it real high and hope it does only come back in 50 years.
Put it into your wallet
Invent the Radio and send a signal to aliens to take the pen on there spaceship.
Hide a fake copy of the pen in an obvious hiding place and keep the real one always with you.
Make 50 copies of the pen and hide all of them in seperate locations. Only you know where you hid the original one.