I love this post’s anticipations : professed beliefs :: urges : professed goals. Planning seems more necessary (although I guess it’s actually rare) than talking about your beliefs (which is easy to do to excess).
All the other cases involve not asking it, or not asking hard enough.
“the cases” is unclear. I assume you mean the rest of the “ways to screw up in choosing goals” yet to be listed.
Ideals can be more ungoaly because they’re sometimes about faraway things or less ancestral things—it’s probably easier to improve your agency on less idealy goals that link more quickly to urges -
Redundant and opaque. “idealy” and “ungoaly” aren’t words. The entire paragraph states a simple point (that I agree with): we shouldn’t automatically give up on the goals where agency is hardest—it may be worth making progress toward those goals, even if it’s expensive, or incomplete.
I love this post’s anticipations : professed beliefs :: urges : professed goals. Planning seems more necessary (although I guess it’s actually rare) than talking about your beliefs (which is easy to do to excess).
“the cases” is unclear. I assume you mean the rest of the “ways to screw up in choosing goals” yet to be listed.
Redundant and opaque. “idealy” and “ungoaly” aren’t words. The entire paragraph states a simple point (that I agree with): we shouldn’t automatically give up on the goals where agency is hardest—it may be worth making progress toward those goals, even if it’s expensive, or incomplete.