No problem; this is a common misconception. People often think general intelligence is harder than narrow intelligence. Actually the best general intelligent agent can be coded with a few hundred lines of C code. It’s non-general intelligence that’s hard. Especially, the kind of non-general intelligence that the human brain has (identifying objects visually, language, humor, status games) is extremely hard to code. The G in AGI means ‘more general than a chess-playing robot, but less general than AIXI’
No problem; this is a common misconception. People often think general intelligence is harder than narrow intelligence. Actually the best general intelligent agent can be coded with a few hundred lines of C code. It’s non-general intelligence that’s hard. Especially, the kind of non-general intelligence that the human brain has (identifying objects visually, language, humor, status games) is extremely hard to code. The G in AGI means ‘more general than a chess-playing robot, but less general than AIXI’