You would benefit from reading that post you linked to about dissolving questions. What you seem to be doing is like asking “does free will exist?” and trying to argue that it doesn’t. To dissolve the question is to precisely show the thought process that produces the question.
You’re right. I (tried) to show the question was meaningless; I didn’t dissolve it. I somehow misread it on my first reading. Oddly though, Eliezer never explicitly stated what dissolving the question meant in the post.
You would benefit from reading that post you linked to about dissolving questions. What you seem to be doing is like asking “does free will exist?” and trying to argue that it doesn’t. To dissolve the question is to precisely show the thought process that produces the question.
You’re right. I (tried) to show the question was meaningless; I didn’t dissolve it. I somehow misread it on my first reading. Oddly though, Eliezer never explicitly stated what dissolving the question meant in the post.