We can already run neural nets with 1 billion synapses at 1000 hz on a single GPU, or 10 billion synapses at 100 hz (real-time). At current rates of growth (software + hardware), that will be up to 100 billion synapses @100 hz per GPU in just a few years.
At that point, it mainly becomes a software issue, and once AGI’s become useful the hardware base is already there to create millions of them, then soon billions.
We can already run neural nets with 1 billion synapses at 1000 hz on a single GPU, or 10 billion synapses at 100 hz (real-time). At current rates of growth (software + hardware), that will be up to 100 billion synapses @100 hz per GPU in just a few years.
At that point, it mainly becomes a software issue, and once AGI’s become useful the hardware base is already there to create millions of them, then soon billions.