I enthusiastically endorse the use of wiki software (and wikis) for almost any conceivable purpose. However, I have to say that, having investigated a variety of wiki platforms, TiddlyWiki in particular did not strike me as very promising.
My recommendation would be PmWiki, which (in addition to many other salutary qualities) is quite possibly the single most customizable platform of this type I’ve ever seen. There’s a truly staggering number of add-ons (called “recipes”) available (take a look at just the ones I’ve made and contribute to, for example).
Examples of sites and pages built with PmWiki are:
I enthusiastically endorse the use of wiki software (and wikis) for almost any conceivable purpose. However, I have to say that, having investigated a variety of wiki platforms, TiddlyWiki in particular did not strike me as very promising.
My recommendation would be PmWiki, which (in addition to many other salutary qualities) is quite possibly the single most customizable platform of this type I’ve ever seen. There’s a truly staggering number of add-ons (called “recipes”) available (take a look at just the ones I’ve made and contribute to, for example).
Examples of sites and pages built with PmWiki are:
My own wiki
My blog
The Less Wrong Diaspora Map and Diaspora Project Map
This web version of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
EDIT: What may be of particular interest to folks here is that PmWiki has support available for:
Google Charts
Syntax highlighting
Embedding from Pastebin and Gist
Markdown output and parsing