Interest in Meetups starting this fall at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign?
I will be starting as a freshman at UIUC this fall, as a Math/CS major. The only interest in a Less Wrong meetup I’ve found is this /r/uiuc thread from 8 months ago. I would like to possibly start a google group of interested people so that we can hit the ground running with a meetup group in the fall. If you will be at UIUC in the fall and are interested, PM me or post in this thread. Thank you! I’m really excited about this.
I’m definitely interested. I’m also starting as a freshman there this fall.
I’d be down (undergrad).
Sure, I’d come. I’m a grad student there now.
Welp, Whatifitsnot hay have dropped off the map, so I’m going to be proactive—I’ll start a meetup this Saturday, maybe some people can come hang out.
I’m going to be a postdoc there. I’m in.